Using Tasks API (Account manager)
Using account manager here, device google accounts are shown in dialog box and by selecting one shows grant permission page and then access_token is retrieved.
Process to use tasks api in your project.
- Import Google client libraries and task specific jar google-api-services-tasks-v1-1.1.0-beta.jar
- Select the Google Account of the user through Account Manager.
- Generate API key and set up the Tasks service object
- Create a project or use an existing one in google console.
- Enable the Tasks API on your project in google console by toggling the Tasks API switch to ON
- The API Key can be found at API Access > Simple API Access > API Key
- Get an OAuth 2.0 access token from the AccountManager for the Task API
- Make calls to the Tasks API
- Below is the flowchart to explain the process in pictorial way to get a better idea.
Through application user is navigated to below screens and asked to grant permission to obtain access token.
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